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A listing of the majority of our works, we have done numerous workshops, sound baths and other smaller installations which are not listed.

Installations / Exhibitons


2024:Adelaide Fringe: Celestial Gardens (MooBar) Winner Best Event Adelaide Fringe 2024

2023:Adelaide Fringe: Celestial Gardens ADL Bicentennial Conservatory, Adelaide Botanic Garden (Winner Week 3 ADL Fringe)

2022: Adelaide Fringe: Plants Songs ADL Bicentennial Conservatory, Adelaide Botanic Garden

2022: SALA Festiva:l Living Waters, Cymatics Install

2021:Plant Songs Installation and Sound Bath, ADL Fringe, The Joinery, ADL.

2020: ICOSA 20 - Installation, Harts Mill - Flour Shed, 29 Feb, 1, 3-8 Mar (free)

          Winner Week 4, John Chataway Innovation Award (Adelaide Fringe 2020)

2019: Plant Songs: The Secret Sound of Plants, Black Diamond Gallery, Pt. Adl - 13 to 24 March (Adelaide Fringe 2019)

2018: SOMA Body Transformation Installation, 24 Feb - 4th March, Harts Mill, Port Adelaide (Adelaide Fringe 2018)

2018: EMBodiment:  Soma Sound Installation,  09 - 18 Nov, West Torrens Auditorium (Feast Festival) 

2017: Cosmic Array: Adelaide riverbank, 2 & 3 Sep 2017, Splash Adelaide 2017 Winter Festival. (Splash Adelaide grant)

2017: Muon, 16-22 Feb ,  Harts Mill, Port Adelaide, ADL, installation & performance (Adelaide Fringe 2017)

2017 Postcards for Peace –SALA - West Torrens City Council Auditorium Gallery, ADL

2016: Dance Between World 432, AUG 20 & 21, Naracoorte Caves, SA, performance (SALA 2016)

2016: Agartha - A Subterranean Installation Visualising Sound, FEB 13-21, Adina Treasury Tunnels, ADL 2016 ( Adelaide Fringe 2016)

          Winner of the Adelaide Fringe Cultural Grant. 

2015: Psi-Plantae - Bio-Symphonic Installation, MAR 1-9,  Conservatorium Adelaide Botanic Gardens, Adelaide (Adelaide Fringe 2015)

2015: Sounds from the underground, Aug, West Torrens gallery, (SALA 2015) 

2014: ICOSA 44 - Interactive crystalline-audio-visual installation, March, Tenth & Gibson Bowden.(Adelaide Fringe 2014)

2014: Vimana - Group exhibition, FEB 14 - 29 MAR 2013, Dragonfly Bar & Dining (Adelaide Fringe 2014)

2013: Bent - Group exhibition & installation Feb 2013, Urban Space Man ADL, (Adelaide Fringe 2013) .

2013: Syntony Live Inductive Resonance –Feb 2013, RiAus @ The Science Exchange ADL & The Bally - Gluttony (Adelaide Fringe 2013)

2012: Loom Weaver,  exhibition, presentation & sonic meditation, 20th March 2012,  The Gallery on Waymouth, Adelaide. 

2012: Tantric Body, collaborative exhibition & performance, Karma Gallery, ADL Fri 16-23 Nov. (Feast Festival 2012)

2012: GSspirit Dome - Rainbow Serpent, Jan Lifestyle Village

2011: Ascension Engine - Creation of new Performance space  - Rainbow Serpent, Jan.

2009: Supersensonics: Performance, March, Mercury Cinema (Adelaide Fringe 2009)



Planetarium Performances


2024:MUON, ADL Fringe - 14 Shows sell out.

2023:Starwheels at Adelaide Planetarium, ADL Fringe - 14 Shows sell out.

2022: Adelaide Planetarium, ADL Fringe

2021:StellarSphere at Adelaide Planetarium, ADL Fringe - 20 sell out shows

2020: Star-gate, Adelaide Planetarium - 11 shows

2019: Orion – Full Dome experience -  9 shows 

2018: Precession, Adelaide Planetarium Experience - 7 shows

2017: Firmament full dome multimedia performance - 7 shows.

2016 Noosphere - A Vision Quest at Adelaide Planetarium  March - 7 Shows.

2015 PSI-Naut  March 13-15, 2015. - 8 shows

2014 SPECTRA - Full Dome Immersion Experience

2013 Astro-Harmonics Adl Planetarium

2012 : YANTRA ‘Energetic Signatures of the Universe

2011: RA - Live at Adelaide Planetarium



2008: Music of the Spheres – Live at the Planetarium




Other festivals:


Adelaide Fringe 2007-2024

SALA Festival 2024-2012

Feast Festival: 2012-2022


2023: Switzerland, London UK & Finland Tour: Live Music

2022: AFFS AFFS Conference ’s, Europe Tour: Live Music

2022: TCCHE London: Live Performance

2021: AFFS AFFS Conference ’s, Europe Tour: Live Music

2019: AFFS AFFS Conference ’s, Europe Tour: Live Music

2018: AFFS AFFS Conference ’s, Europe Tour: Live Music

2017: AFFS Conference ’s, Europe Tour 2017. Live Music

2014 – AFFS Conference’s Gold Coast

2014- Conference Earth Melbourne

2012 – AFFS USA, conferences Sedona 

2012 Rainbow Serpent: Ascension Engine   - Live Music 

2011 Rainbow Serpent: Ascension Engine   - Live Music







Selected lectures, talks & conferences (2000-2023)


Countries performed: Australia, Europe, USA 


Live Meditations, Workshops & Educational Presentations (2000-2023).




Music Composition, Mind-Body, Sound Healing, Axiatonal Music, Pyramid Acoustics, Musicology, Biofeedback science, World Energy Grids, Alternative Realities, Wellness, Breath Work, Harmonic Toning, Spirituality-Science, Consciousness, Sacred Art and Future Science.





2005: Celestial Spheres

2006: Ancient Lands: Crystalline Staircases

2008: Nadaum: Sonic DNA

2011: Luminos: Sonic Star Codes

2011: OR-ion: Organic Cosmic Soundscapes

2013: K'ul 13: Inductive Resonance

2016: Kether Or: Crown of Light

2019: Awakening to the Light

2020: Stellarvortex 

2023: Psi-Plantae





2008: Fractal DVD 

2009: SPECTRA- Light Spectrums DVD 

2013: Loom Weaver DVD 

2014: Gates of Light DVD (international award winning)



(C) 2024 Sacred Resonance





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