The Music of the Spheres
Pythagoras, who, as legend has it, could hear the ‘music of the spheres,’ discovered that consonant musical intervals can be expressed in simple ratios of small integers.
The concept of the ‘music of the spheres’ is an ancient one. However, before Kepler, it was generally believed to be one never‐ending chord. Each planet's song was based on the speed of its orbit; the vibrations caused by its motion through space would create sound waves. People believed that the planets moved in circular paths at constant speeds. Accordingly, they believed that each planet sang one note.
When Kepler discovered that planets move in elliptical paths with different speeds, the concept of the celestial chord was forced to change. Kepler calculated the changing speeds of each planet & converted those speeds into musical tones. His theory was that the music of the spheres was a continuous and everchanging song.
Although space is a virtual vacuum, this does not mean there is no sound in space. Sound does exist as electromagnetic vibrations. The specially designed instruments on board the various space probes used Plasma Wave antenna to record the vibrations used here, all within the range of human hearing (20-20,000 CPS).
Interactions between the Solar Wind and the planets, moons and rings of our Solar System create "Soundscapes" of frequencies in the plasma energy "Ocean" that fills the void of space. Each planet, moon and ring system has a distinctive "musical" pattern.
There Is Sound In Space, Thanks To Gravitational Waves
It's long been said that there's no sound in space, and that's true, to a point. Conventional sound requires a medium to travel through, and is created when particles compress-and-rarify, making anything from a loud "bang" for a single pulse to a consistent tone for repeating patterns. In space, where there are so few particles that any such signals die away, even solar flares, supernovae, black hole mergers, and other cosmic catastrophes go silent before they're ever heard. But there's another type of compression-and-rarefaction that doesn't require anything other than the fabric of space itself to travel through: gravitational waves. Thanks to the first positive detection results from LIGO, we're hearing the Universe for the very first time.